Make Your Voice heard…..
It’s a particularly exciting time in Scotland just now. While our attention is being taken up by yet another sporting extravaganza – the Commonwealth Games, we’re aware that time is ticking and people living in Scotland will soon have the opportunity to vote yes or no to Scotland being an independent country. The deadline to register to vote in the Scottish independence referendum on the 18 September is the 2 September. Not long to go.
And we know housing is a key factor in whether people are registered to vote or not.
Recent evidence from the Electoral Commission shows the more stable your housing situation is the more likely you are to register to vote. People who are homeless, living in rented or temporary accommodation are amongst the most under-represented on the voting register. For example only 71.7% of those living in rented accommodation in Scotland were registered to vote in 2011, compared to 95.7% of people who own their home outright and 92% who own their home with a mortgage. Those renting from a private landlord were least likely to be on the electoral roll with only 52.4% registered at their current address.
So, we’ve teamed up with the Electoral Commission again to create an information campaign for the referendum which will run from 4 August until the deadline to register, the 2 September.
We’ve worked with the Electoral Commission during the previous 2011 Scottish Parliament elections and 2012 local elections to raise awareness about registering to vote, including information about how to register to vote if someone does not have a fixed address. We’re sending packs of information leaflets, posters and registration forms to councils, housing associations and homeless hostels throughout Scotland.
So, whatever happens after the 18 September, we want to make sure as many people as possible had the opportunity to have their voice heard.
More information about registering to vote can be found here